The Need for Extensions.

My friend had always been known for her beautiful, long hair. But after a medical emergency left her bedridden for several days, her once luscious locks were now a tangled mess. I knew how much her hair meant to her and wanted to help her get it back to its former glory.

I put together a plan to revive her damaged hair. We started by gently detangling the knots with a wide-toothed comb, being careful not to pull or break any strands. Next, we applied a deep conditioning treatment to help nourish the hair and restore moisture. We also made sure to use a heat protectant spray before blow drying and styling, to prevent any further damage.

Then to do an overnight transformation we installed extensions to get her back to her desired length. With patience and a great at-home haircare plan, her hair began to regain its shine and bounce. Her hair continues to grow healthier, as does her confidence. She no longer felt self-conscious about her appearance and was proud to show off her revitalized locks. I am happy to have played a small part in helping her feel like herself again.